Wednesday, November 21, 2007


This is where you can make comments about Dr. Lars A. Hafner.


Anonymous said...

I asked someone from SPC about Dr. Hafner and they said they would not recommend him for any job that is not completely about grinning and gripping (public relations). He has only been a provost since June and really has no administrative experience. His strong suit is his political career. He was a Florida legislator for something like eight to ten years and is very well connected. They personally do not like him because his shady handling of budgeting stuff. SPC is trying to unload him on any school that will take him. Dr. Hafner also has applications out to three or four other community colleges in Florida.

Anonymous said...

I was impressed with Dr. Hafner and disappointed when I saw the first posted comment. I decided to call one of my colleagues whom I have known for 20 years and who has been at St. Pete College for over 20 years. She confirmed that he had other administrative experience at SPC (about 8 years), but has only been Provost for the past year. She said he was the one who had worked on their university partnerships and that this was one of his significant accomplishments and it has been a real benefit for SPC. She didn't understand any reference to his "shady handling of budgeting stuff" as she said the budget and cuts were set by the President and Board of Trustees and that he may have had to have been the one to carry them out, but that he personnaly had not changed any budgeting practices since he had become Provost. She commented that he is very energetic, a real go-getter, listens to people before he acts, and is willing to learn (change his mind). She knew of no thought process that "SPC was trying to unload him" and did comment that he had applied for the Florida Keys presidency and I believe she said he is a current candidate for the Manatee presidency--in other words, he is looking for a community college presidency in FL.

I believe Dr. Hafner has a lot to offer PJC--he has significant experience with the FL community college system, has experience at a large public community college multi-campus setting, has 12 years academic community college teaching experience, is very strong on collaboration and partnerships to enhance the college's position, and has 12 years of experience in the Florida Legislature. He seemed forthright in his responses to questions and gave concrete examples. He has several years ahead of him before retirement and wants a stable community base to raise his young children.

I encourage others to contact their colleagues at SPC and see what the responses are.

Anonymous said...

I can say this as a current student at SCF I do not see any benefits of having him here. Dr. Hafner cost the college millions of dollars by changing the name and where are the benefits he promised us. The Cadillac he was buying for $79,000 or so. Now we are being told the Graphic arts department may be cut in Venice. There is also apparent that Venice is a 2nd class campus in so many ways. The computer lab is not even close to Bradenton's or the course availability in venice is about one quarter. Dr. Hafner should resign before the press gets all the info they will get and end up embarrassing SCF.

sap upgrade issues said...

I was very impressed with his work and was very sad to learn that some people devoted him out of his job. I wish him the very best and may the faculty continue growing and developing.

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