Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Listen to Charlotte's Presentation to the BOT on 2-17-09

Click here to listen to Charlotte's presentation to the Board of Trustees on February 17, 2009.

Click here to hear Julie Ruengart's presentation to the Board of Trustees on February 17, 2009.


Anonymous said...

Charlotte and Julie--
You were WONDERFUL at the BOT meeting. Thank you for taking a stand for fulltime faculty. We appreciate all that you do.

Anonymous said...

I feel that you final comments were inappropriate. You were allocated time for your presentation, not for editorial comments pertaining to retrenchment. Very unprofessional!

Anonymous said...

I feel that you final comments were inappropriate. You were allocated time for your presentation, not for editorial comments pertaining to retrenchment. Very unprofessional!

She would have rocks in her head if she did NOT say anything about retrenchment.

Charlotte and Julie,
You are fabulous. You rocked it. Thanks for uploading the presentations.

Anonymous said...

She asked for agenda time for a specific reason. That reason had nothing to do with retrenchment. She was an embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

The topic was "The Importance of Full Time Faculty." Please read article 12 Retrenchment and stop embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte and Julie were both wonderful at the BOT meeting. Their remarks were on topic and spot-on.

Anyone who wishes to address the BOT may request to do so. Charlotte and Julie did. Both their comments were extremely well-received, and, given the threat of retrenchment, absolutely to the point. The BOT needs to consider the impact of firing full time faculty before it takes such a drastic step. If the BOT does not, its members are failing in the job they were appointed to do.

Anonymous said...

In response to "I feel that you [sic] final comments were inappropriate. You were allocated time for your presentation, not for editorial comments pertaining to retrenchment. Very unprofessional!"

Charlotte Sweeney is the epitome of professional. Her speech was well researched, and it had EVERYTHING to do with retrenchment. She opened a dialogue with the Board by sharing her concerns. She didn't hide behind an anonymous posting online--she took a risk for a cause she believes in.

If you think you can do a better job, put in a request to speak the BOT in March. Then again, you can't be anonymous there, can you? If you're going to attack someone, have the courtesy to do it to the person's face.