Wednesday, March 12, 2008


While this schedule is subject to change, it appears that the candidates will be interviewing during the following two weeks. A complete schedule of their activities should be available soon.

March 17 and 18, Dr. Martin
March 19 and 20, Dr. Meadows
March 24 and 25, Dr. Elliott
March 26 and 27, Dr. Hafner


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting our survey results. Dr. Martin is the last person we would want for president. If everyone else became unavailable, we would have to have Dr. Brigham remain here so that we could restart the selection process. Dr. Martin likes to make contributions at meetings without listening to what is being said at meetings. He has weird outburst which we are forced to endure. It would be better if he didn't participate in meetings.

Anonymous said...

Are board members reading this? Probably NOT! Every faculty member needs to contact, write, call a board member to express views, esp about Dr. Martin. This guy is out to run things his way or the highway--he has talked about having divisions not departments, giving 50+ students to faculty for advising, he is a student services oriented administrator, not teaching. We have had enough of administrators who do not appreciate nor know what goes on in the classroom! I doubt if Dr. Martin has ever been in our building!! And there are board members who think Dr. Martin is the perfect next president, including his priest and the board chair.

Anonymous said...

Are board members reading this? Probably NOT! Every faculty member needs to contact, write, call a board member to express views, esp about Dr. Martin. This guy is out to run things his way or the highway--he has talked about having divisions not departments, giving 50+ students to faculty for advising, he is a student services oriented administrator, not teaching. We have had enough of administrators who do not appreciate nor know what goes on in the classroom! I doubt if Dr. Martin has ever been in our building!! And there are board members who think Dr. Martin is the perfect next president, including his priest and the board chair.

I agree with you. You have a right to get angry. What if we were on the board of a large business and selected a person who 100% of the people in that organization disliked or wouldn't pick for an interview for president of that organization. By all accounts, we have been very thoughtful in stating who we wanted to have interviewed.

He isn't qualified to run PJC. He doesn't have experience outside of Student Services. The president of PJC must get along with people inside and outside of PJC. He hasn't demonstrated that he can do that. Submitting 100 president applications doesn't make you qualified to be a college president.

If Father Hunt is behind recommending Dr. Martin, Father Hunt should start paying attention and caring about the community.

We have three stars coming to campus. I think that will be pretty much undeniable.

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Ms. Carlan expressed concern over rushing the process.

I think some of the Corsair students should read this blog and quiz BOT members as well as Dr. Martin Monday or Tuesday. Is someone sending Corsair people over? Whether they are reading this blog or not, we know that faculty members have already given them notice in the screening committee about Dr. Martin. And if they are not reading this blog, BOT members are demonstrating that they are not demonstrating the required due care.

Anonymous said...

Some of you need to do more investigation as well. Not only is Martin a problem, but my sources at St. Pete tell me Hafner makes Martin look like a cream puff. His only real claim to fame is having served in the Florida House with one of the movers and shakers in our community - I suspect how he even got to the finalist stage at all. The folks on his campus either don't like him or have never seen or hreard of him either. Call your friends and ask like I did.

Anonymous said...

And now Dr. Martin says that PJC should be considering becoming a 4 year college offering bachelor degrees. How are we going to pull that rabbit out of a hat that has no $$? He was very adamant about this at the Monday forum.
He also tried to smooth over the "my way or the highway" comments by saying he tries to work things out with those who disagree with him by saying that people don't work "for" him but "with" him. I don't think that the whole college can bear enduring his bad temper. He is on his best behavior with the BOT. They need to know that if he became president that the morale of the whole college would be very bad and the prospect of no raises wigh financial cuts by the legislature would make things even worse. He says he is faculty oriented but his examples of being in the classroom are from universities. I don't think he understands the challenge we face with so many underprepared students in a community college.

Anonymous said...

One of the key requirements our new president must have is an understanding of diversity. Why do I say "understanding" of diversity? Because many people think diversity has to do solely with race. However, it also has to do with gender, religious beliefs, disabilities, and sexual preference. We need a leader who can help create a comfortable learning environment for members of all these groups. Yes, the world is becoming smaller, and we truly do live in a "global community." PJC needs someone whose thinking has evolved into the 21st century. Most importantly, we need someone who not only has ideas but who can also put those ideas into action.