Monday, October 29, 2007

Miami Dade College Campus President Applies for PJC Position

Two new complete application packets have been received by Human Resources:

1. Dr. Frank R. Vivelo:
2003 -2004: Remington College
Nashville, TN
Education – Rutgers University, Ph.D., Anthropology

2. Dr. K. K. Bentil:
2005 – 2007: Miami Dade College
Campus President
Miami, FL
Education - University of Florida, Ph.D., Civil Engineering


Anonymous said...

I see November 15 is the published date for applications.

Through the network I am sure that many are aware that we enjoy changes of seasons without harsh winters, we have a low crime rate, we have a caring community, we are conveniently located, and we are downright beautiful to look at. O.K. just seeing what I can get away with writing. Welcome ye applicants. We look forward to seeing you in person.

Anonymous said...

Read what a long-time faculty member - and union member - at Miami-Dade College has to say about Dr. Bentil: "He is not good at all!!!! Run in the opposite direction. He came down from another school and was president of the Medical Center Campus. The Union President almost had to move into the Medical Campus to deal with the problems with him. In addition, the College had to place a consultant there to assist him until his contract was up. He was asked to retire."

Anonymous said...

wonder why their tenure is so laong ago, and for such a short time??? something to check out that is for sure!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Bentil does not work at PJC, so we won't feel like we are being impolite with our genuine comments.

I talked with association members at Miami Dade. They said that Dr. Bentil wouldn't allow the faculty association to have an office on campus. Also, the faculty is so unhappy that they are the only community college in Florida with near 100% faculty membership in the association.

The danger in this search process is that colleges will give glowing comments because they want people to leave.

So faculty reps on the presidential search committee can relay some of these comments.

Anonymous said...

Some of you faculty members know administrators with good reputations. I hope you guys/gals are contacting these people telling them to get their apps in.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is time to realize that PJC needs a true national search by an executive search company instead of a local committee (which would continue as a selection committee). These companies seek out those who are best qualified. It may be the best method of finding the right person who wants to work at being president instead of enjoying an early Florida retirement at PJC. Certainly PJC can do better than this current list??

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what an executive search entails. Does it entail people knowledgeable in the area looking for candidates? Or does it involve throwing another money monger into the scheme that doesn't really care, just looking for someone with a pulse that will do.

If these are all we are getting, the search committee should recommend to the board that a new time frame be set. The President of PJC should be someone the community would be proud of, not some odd square peg that is going to have problems with faculty.