Tuesday, September 11, 2007


All faculty members should have received an email today with the proposed changes to the CBA attached to the email. The major changes have to do with Article 18 (Distance Learning) and salaries.

We agreed to remove a lot of the language from Article 18 during this round of negotiations. The main reason for this is that having lived with distance learning for several years, we have learned that many of the items that we initially believed had to be included separately are actually addressed within other articles of the contract.

We will continue to work on the issues of class size and office hours in distance learning.

Everyone received the proposed 5% raise in their last paycheck pending ratification of the CBA. The other proposal affecting wages is the additional $3 to be added to the overload.

If you have questions about the ratification process or want more information about the contract, please give me (x2007) or Tom Grow (x1101) a call.

You should receive your ballot by Monday, September 17 and ballots should be returned by Tuesday, October 2.

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