Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Meet: Deborah McClintock

Department:  Collegiate High School

How you came into this subject matter/profession: History has always interested me.  Even as a child, I preferred to watch Daniel Boone rather than Looney Tunes.  Fortunately, my parents feed my interest by taking family vacations every summer that included visiting historical sites throughout the United States.  So it was no surprise that I wanted to major in history when I went to college, but what did I want to do with all of this accumulated knowledge and excitement about history?  Share it!  So I became a teacher.

Favorite class to teach:  United States Government is probably my favorite class to teach because so many Americans know so little about our government.  My goal is for each of my students to know how our government works, to be responsible citizens and active participants in our democratic processes.  I want them to feel empowered to make a difference and prepared to assume their role in our country’s future.
How long you’ve been at PSC: I was an adjunct from 2005 to 2007, and have been a full time faculty member since 2007.

Hobbies: I enjoy cooking and spending time with my family, and traveling any time I can.

Favorite book/movie: I don’t have any recent favorite books or movies because my grad school classes take up so much of my time.  But way back when . . . I enjoyed books by Patricia Cornwell and Robert B. Parker, and my all-time favorite movies are The Sound of Music, The Ten Commandments, and Gone With the Wind.

Favorite place on campus: My classroom, whether in class or out, is my favorite place to be when I am on campus because of our great technology and the constant flow of students.

Why you joined the Union: As a historian and a “yankee,” the role and power of unions is very important to me.  I acknowledge and am grateful that unions strive for the advancement of all workers everywhere, but as a recipient of union gains, I believe it is my responsibility to support our union and I am proud to be a member.    

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