Friday, March 18, 2011

Take Action on Senate Bill 830: Payroll Dues Deduction

Senate Bill 830, the bill which will strip the union's rights to have our members dues taken out of their paychecks, has been sent out of its original committee and rerouted to the Senate Budget Committee. A pretty tactless effort to skirt around our attempts at preventing this legislation from becoming law. We will not be undone though, we need to start calling every single member below, every single day, to get our message across to this new group of legislators.

Please call 1-877-274-0951 and put in the zip code for each corresponding state senator and tell them to vote NO on SB 830.

Senator JD Alexander (R) D-17 -- Zip: 33853

Vice Chair:
Senator Joe Negron (R) D-28 -- Zip: 34990

Senator Thad Altman (R) D-24 -- Zip: 32940
Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R) D-27 -- Zip: 33414
Senator Ellyn Setnor Bogdanoff (R) D-25 -- Zip: 33316
Senator Mike Fasano (R) D-11 -- Zip: 34653
Senator Anitere Flores (R) D-38 -- Zip: 33176
Senator Don Gaetz (R) D-4 -- Zip: 32541
Senator Alan Hays (R) D-20 -- Zip: 32784
Senator Arthenia L. Joyner (D) D-18 -- 33603
Senator Evelyn J. Lynn (R) D-7 -- Zip: 32118
Senator Gwen Margolis (D) D-35 -- Zip: 33137
Senator Bill Montford (D) D-6 -- Zip: 32399
Senator Nan H. Rich (D) D-34 -- Zip: 33325
Senator Garrett Richter (R) D-37 -- Zip: 34112
Senator David Simmons (R) D-22 -- Zip: 32701
Senator Gary Siplin (D) D-19 -- Zip: 32808
Senator Eleanor Sobel (D) D-31 -- Zip: 33020
Senator John Thrasher (R) D-8 -- Zip: 32225
Senator Stephen R. Wise (R) D-5 -- Zip: 32205

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