On Friday March 25th Governor Rick Scott is set to appear at a fundraiser at New World Landing hosted by Escambia Republican Executive Committee. The Northwest Central Labor Council will be marching and rallying to protest Rick Scott and his abhorrent budget cuts he has planned for Florida. Organized labor won't be alone. Our allies from Movement for Change, Escambia Democrats, Santa Rosa Democrats, Veterans for Peace, U.W.F Progressive Student Alliance, and the Coffee Party will be marching in solidarity with our union brother and sisters to bring our bottom line to Rick Scott and legislators- we won't stand for these budget cuts and anti-worker bills that will affect teachers, public workers, health care workers, first responders, the unemployed and students!
So spread the word about this march and rally! The time to fight back is here and we need to show Rick Scott and legislators we are united as one and will not back down until the working class has smashed these anti-worker, pro-corporate bills! Let's get out there Friday and let them know that they will not silence, we will not be "gagged" by their corporatist agenda to further the interests of the corporate class!
If you are interested in volunteering to help out with marshaling, distributing literature, gathering information, please email me back and confirm. Also, please email me back to confirm that you will be attending so we can have an accurate count of participants.
Make sure to wear comfortable clothing, bring water, and have sunscreen as we will be marching several blocks.
WHAT: Fight Back Florida: March and Rally to protest Rick Scott at New World Landing
WHEN: Friday March 25th starting at 4:30 P.M., meet up will be at Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza where Garden Street and Palafox intersect
WHERE: New World Landing, downtown Pensacola, 600 S Palafox Street
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