It seems that the administration believes that throwing some money at the faculty will make us agree to draconian changes to load points, continuing contract language, involvement in decision-making, non-tenure track faculty and more. What the administration did offer was the following:
- a flat 2% raise to base salary
- the starting salary and experience pay schedules to remain in the contract
- $100,000 to be allocated among all faculty who did not receive full experience pay upon hire, the method of distribution to be determined by PSCFA
- 5% for each raise, with a minimum of 5 years in rank to be eligible for promotion
What administration is still holding out for would substantially increase the workload for Collegiate High and ABE, health occupations, seat-hour classes:
Current Points Proposed Points
Collegiate High: 50 36
PSAV lecture: 60 36
PSAV lab: 40 36
ABE lecture/lab: 40 36
Clinical w/student supervision: 50 30
Externship: 20 15
In addition, the administration wants the ability to hire non-tenure-track faculty teaching 1260 load points per semester up to 25% of the number of tenure-track faculty. These temporary faculty would do no departmental or college service or professional development. The administration also wants to be able to hire these faculty with NO hiring committee, NO advertising of positions, and NO faculty input into the process.
The full text of administration's proposals can be found in Jennifer Brahier's e-mail of October 17.
The next bargaining meeting will be November 14 in the Atwell Room of the library.
1 comment:
For the past two or more bargaining sessions, admin has submitted a proposed Article 17 with 1B and 1C lined out. Article 17.1B states that faculty will participate in hiring new faculty members. Article 17.1C concerns continuing contract. We absolutely do not want to give up these two sections. Please attend all the bargaining sessions you can to support your bargaining team.
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