arts skills a good fit for jobs
By Donal O'Shea, special to the Times
Donal O'SheaTampa Bay Times In Print: Sunday, November 25, 2012
Donal O'SheaTampa Bay Times In Print: Sunday, November 25, 2012
What skills do employers value most in judging their
new hires? Strong verbal communication, a solid work ethic, teamwork,
analytical ability and initiative, according to a report from the National
Association of Colleges and Employers. This nearly exactly matches the skill
set of students with degrees in the liberal arts.
This fact is worth keeping top of mind when judging the
value of a college degree — and, in particular, a college major — in this tough
economic environment. The New York Times has documented how over the
past five years the weak U.S. economy has brought jobless and underemployment
rates for recent college graduates across the country to an all-time high. And
the Tampa Bay Times recently concluded a series on the difficulties
faced by three New College of Florida students as they searched for jobs in the
first six months after graduation. While no college president likes to see
students from his or her institution struggling as they begin their careers,
the challenges faced by those three students are not unique to New College, and
I want to thank Times staffer Lane DeGregory for raising an important
issue facing our society.
Some argue that the high rate of unemployment among
recent graduates results from the types of degrees being offered at the
undergraduate level both by large research institutions and by small liberal
arts colleges like New College. According to this thinking, if more students
pursued degrees in job-ready fields like education, accounting and engineering,
they would be able to find work more easily.
While there is some evidence to support the notion that
graduates with vocationally oriented degrees have an easier time than their
peers in finding employment directly out of college, the unemployment numbers
among those groups are still too high. Furthermore, there is little evidence to
suggest that such degrees retain their economic advantage over time. The
highest wage earning fields in the country — medicine, law, scientific and
business management and computer technology — generally require advanced degrees.
Given the reality of the current economy, helping
students find employment after graduation requires plenty of hard work, not
only on the part of the students seeking jobs but on the part of our colleges
and universities and the business community as well. At New College, we are
attempting to do our part by placing greater emphasis on career counseling
services and better aligning those services with student and academic life on
campus. We also are redoubling our efforts to reach out to the business
community to bring more recruiters to campus and to develop internships for
students while they are in school so they can gain workplace skills that will
be to their advantage after graduation. In talking with college presidents from
around the state and across the country, I know that we are not alone in these
efforts targeted at helping our students achieve employment success, regardless
of the career paths they choose.
But we need to work harder with the business community
to get them to take a chance on hiring these bright young men and women who can
help build their businesses for years to come. Acclaimed marketing consultant
Robert Goldfarb, author of What's Stopping Me from Getting Ahead?, put
it well in a New York Times article headlined "How to Bridge the
Hiring Gap": "At one time employers recruited liberal arts graduates
whose broad education shaped an inquiring mind and the ability to evaluate
conflicting points of view." The merit of such hiring practices is on
display in many Fortune 500 board rooms today, where liberal arts graduates
make up more than 15 percent of all CEOs. Yet, in recent years, companies have
drifted away from this practice, turning instead to hiring only graduates who
have immediately accessible skills. While such practices may make sense on the
surface, Goldfarb thinks they are a mistake. "I've found many broadly
educated employees to be quicker than technical staff members to develop the
intuition that's crucial on a work floor where gray — not black or white — is the
dominant color," he states.
Because of the recent articles in the Tampa Bay
Times, we were immediately contacted by a high-tech firm in the state that
was excited to learn about the quality and skills of our graduates. They opened
their door for interviews. It was a hopeful sign and one that we hope to
interest other businesses in as well. Such partnerships and opportunities are
an essential component in determining the long-term success of our young
college graduates.
Donal O'Shea is president of New College of
Florida. He wrote this exclusively for the Tampa Bay Times.
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