Sent to Charlotte from Keith Samuels, PJC/BOT chief negotiator on 2/12/09:
Because Dr. Gonzalez is out of town, I have been asked to inform you that, in order to gather as much information as possible about legislative work on budgets, Dr. Meadows will not take any actions regarding the retrenchment plan earlier than mid-April. He understands that some of your members are concerned about addressing the Board before it is asked to act on any recommendations that may be submitted on this matter. The extension of the planning time line should help. The President wants to explore all possibilities and options as he makes difficult choices.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this communication.
Charlotte and Julie did a fabulous job addressing the board. Faculty you are also fabulous. I could feel the supportive energy of everyone in the audience. You are the best!
I won’t say what Dr. Meadows said at the meeting. He must have been keeping it as a surprise to spring on all of us. How thoughtful and considerate he is. LOL Surprise!
This information is not true
It is excellent idea
Bravo, your opinion is useful
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