Friday, January 30, 2009

How to Get on the BOT Agenda for February 17

PJC policy forbids individuals from addressing the Board of Trustees unless those individuals have requested to be on the agenda in advance. According to Tom Wazlavek, our UFF Service Unit Director, this is not the norm at other colleges in Florida. Most boards allow time to hear from the public. Our Board does not. Perhaps this practice needs to be changed. After all, we are the community's college. Doesn't it stand to reason that those entrusted with leading the college should allow--even encourage--community input?

During negotiations this year, Chief Negotiator Paige Anderson asked that faculty be allowed to speak to the board each month. Dr. Keith Samuels, Chief Negotiator for the Board, indicated that the Board was not interested in hearing from us. The Bargaining Team doubts the veracity of this statement. It's more likely that the administration is not interested in the Board hearing from us.

So, what must you do to be heard by the Board at the February 17 BOT Meeting? According to information received from the president's office, "Board policy requires that requests from individuals or organizations to be placed on the board agenda shall be made in writing to the President with a brief statement of the purpose not later than ten (10) days prior to the regular Board meeting date." This means that if you're willing to express your concerns to the BOT, you must file your request by Friday, February 6. Remember, there are just two meetings of the BOT before layoffs occur. The list of layoffs will be approved at the March meeting. It is imperative that we have a strong turn out for the February meeting. If you're willing to speak, submit your request early!

Remember, the meeting is in the newly-renovated BOT Room, Building 7, Pensacola Campus, at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17. For more information about BOT members, visit this link:

Media Coverage

In addition to the report that aired on WEAR-TV 3 Thursday evening, articles were printed in the Pensacola News Journal and the Independent News. Check out the links below to view the articles.

Posted by Blaine Wall, PJCFA Vice President

Proofreading Services Available

At Thursday's meeting we discussed the importance of writing letters to the members of the Board of Trustees. Addresses were distributed at the meeting. We'll add them to the website, too.

If you'd like someone to proof your letters for you, send a copy to Paula Ingram, Executive Board Member and Professor of Reading/English, at; Paige Anderson, Chief Negotiator and Associate Professor of English, at; or Blaine Wall, Vice President and Assistant Professor of English, and

Thursday, January 29, 2009



Here's the NEWS! Five O-Clock, WEAR. Bob Solarsky reports over video footage of our meeting today that faculty at PJC will be losing jobs. Cut to a nice big ole shot of Paige Anderson, our chief negotiator, who says (sic), "In these tough times, people go back to school. Now's not the time to do this." Cut to Solarsky saying Dr. Meadows said that there's been a 1% enrollment increase but the college is facing budget cuts this and next year. Meadows also said the college has cut back on office supplies and travel.

And that was it.

Faculty, office supplies and travel.

On the same day, Judy Bense, Interim UWF president, said on public radio that she would cut whatever else was necessary but she was not going to cut faculty.

Quite ironic. Different administrative approaches, I guess. I do have to wonder if Meadows will give up his college provided car and gasoline allowance?

Cindy App
PJCFA Bargaining Team and Executive Board Member

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Finally, Faculty Is First at PJC!

The bargaining team met with BOT representative Dr. Keith Samuels Monday, January 23 to discuss the administration's invoking of Article 12 (Retrenchment). The impetus for this action is the anticipated 6 to 7% budget cut (including current 4% cut announced this January).

It was clear at this meeting that the administration feels that it has done all that Article 12 requires by informing PJCFA of the process it will follow to determine which faculty members will be retrenched. While Dr. Samuels said that administration would consider cost-saving measures suggested by PJC faculty, it seems that they are determined to cut some faculty positions.

Finally, the faculty comes first in administration's planning.

While department heads are calculating points for each faculty member, no such formal calculations are being made for support or professional personnel. In fact, Dr. Samuels acknowledged that PJC will strive to cut to the minimum SACS standards of 60% fulltime faculty to 40% adjunct. He went so far as to admit that fulltime faculty members will be displaced in favor of adjuncts.

We've suspected it for years, but now we have proof. The only way the faculty comes first is in getting the shaft.

What are you willing to do? PJCFA is holding a general faculty meeting Thursday, January 29, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 252 to discuss plans to combat administration's attempts to further marginalize fulltime faculty. It is urgent you attend the meeting and get involved as we fight to save our jobs and the jobs of our peers.

Friday, January 23, 2009


On January 15, PJCFA was notified by the Administration that it was invoking Article 12: Retrenchment. At Tuesday night's Board of Trustee's meeting, Dr. Meadows briefly mentioned the term "RIF," a Reduction in Force. While retrenchment is the term used in our contract regarding the lay off of faculty, RIF is a term generally used to include all areas of an institution. However, I do not know if this difference is what Dr. Meadows was referring to at the BOT meeting.

According to the CBA 12:02, "Retrenchment shall be implemented in accordance with the Retrenchment
Point System which takes into consideration, on a district-wide basis, a faculty member's degree, certification/licensure, in-field work experience, years of experience at PJC, academic rank, additional teaching or job qualifications in area(s) of need, and program and/or academic needs of the College. Should retrenchment be necessary, faculty members in the discipline or area who have the greatest number of points as determined by the Retrenchment Point System shall be retained over faculty members with fewer retrenchment points."

PJCFA will be meeting with Administration to bargain the impact of this decision. "The parties shall, in these
negotiations, consider many factors, including, but not limited to, natural attrition, voluntary early retirement, retraining, transfers, order of faculty retrenchment, and recall rights." (CBA 12:01) Also, "In the event of retrenchment, nothing in this article shall preclude the negotiation of additional options such as, but not limited to, voluntary early retirement, leave without pay, or severance pay." (CBA 12:04B)

PJCFA has reserved Room 252 (Hagler Auditorium) for a full-time faculty meeting on Thursday, January 29 at 1:30 pm. At this meeting we will discuss retrenchment, the status of impasse, and the status of the two grievances regarding mid-term grades and salary increase.

In the meantime, I urge each of you to carefully read Article 12 and create your own Retrenchment Faculty Worksheet. This will prepare you to address the Retrenchment Faculty Worksheet prepared by your department head.