Several issues affecting Program Coordinators have come to my attention this term. Early this term, three program coordinators were told that they would no longer receive release time. After filing a grievance, their release times were returned. Recently another program coordinator was told that his position would no longer be available at the College. The Administration followed the Article 12 Retrenchment procedure in this case. This faculty member’s position is being eliminated and the program will now be run with adjuncts until enrollment increases substantially or until the program is no longer considered viable and discontinued. When this action became known to others, I was contacted by a different faculty member who was concerned that his position and program might be in jeopardy due to declining enrollment.
One of the issues this program coordinator stated was that most of the time potential students do not enroll because potential students are not aware that his exists. The faculty members in that program have been told that the responsibility for recruitment lies with them. This program coordinator objects. His position is that the duty of recruitment belongs to the Board of Trustees, not the program coordinator.
He concluded his letter to me this way, “Losing a program is bad for everybody: it is bad for PJC and bad for the community. Besides losing teachers, it is a tremendous waste of resources both for taxpayers and grant-source-funding when expensive equipment is sold at auction.” That is certainly the truth.
What I need from the program coordinators is help. I have been asked by this concerned program coordinator to address the BOT on his behalf. I am absolutely willing to do this. But I would like to hear from other program coordinators to determine if this is unique to this one program.
Dr. Meadows says not to bring him a problem unless you have a solution. That’s where I need your help. You know your problems and probably have solutions in mind. Email me at my home email and I’ll compile them for presentation to the Board.
Is it possible for PJC to make interesting commercials spotlighting vocational programs? And these commercials could be played in the registration and counseling areas at all campuses. Once upon a time a remember the t.v.s playing some advertisement, but it wasn't something students would be too interested in.
When we need faculty members, there is a prioritization process departments must go through. WSRE and the Foundation do not appear to have any screening process for employee additions. We hire those folks like we are made of money. This doesn't show any awareness of impending budget crunch times and the need to fairly compensate existing employees and adjuncts.
I am not a coordinator; I might take Dr. Meadows response out of context. Perhaps the response is not a blanket response for all possible problems. The mind swirls as to what "don't bring me problems unless you have solutions" might mean.
1. Don't complain about things for which there are not solutions.
2. Don't complain.
3. Don't complain about a problem you don't have the completely packaged solution for.
I am not sure why he would say that. Doesn't he know who he are?Of course we have the solution for everything.
It would be best for him to handle problems before they reach the high decible level; and we whip out our little fingers to type about them in a public forum. Um, what's our hit level up to?
Problem: Dr. No-Decorum, head of a very large department, is scaring the good people he sits on top of. And he is about to pick up an egg oozy and shoot egg all incoming administrators' faces. Solution: Duh.....1. Make him the new esteemed VP of Copier Machines and Paper Products, 2....3....
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