Candidates Schedule
Open Forum and Interviews
Dr. James Martin
Monday, March 17: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Open Forum, Warrington campus, Building 3700, room 3729
Tuesday, March 18: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Open Forum, Milton campus, Building 4900, room 4902
Tuesday, March 18: 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Open Forum, Pensacola campus, Hagler Auditorium, room 252
Tuesday, March 18: 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Interview by Board of Trustees, Board Room, Building 7
Dr. Edward Meadows
Wednesday, March 19: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Open Forum Pensacola campus, Hagler Auditorium, room 252
Wednesday, March 19: 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Interview by Board of Trustees, Board Room, Building 7
Thursday, March 20: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Open Forum, Milton campus, Building 4900, room 4902
Thursday, March 20: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Open Forum, Warrington campus, Building 3700, room 3729
Dr. Scott Elliott
Monday, March 24: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Open Forum, Pensacola campus, Hagler Auditorium, room 252
Monday, March 24: 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Interview by Board of Trustees, Board Room, Building 7
Tuesday, March 25 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Open Forum, Milton campus, Building 4900, room 4902
Tuesday, March 25 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Open Forum, Warrington campus, Building 3700, room 3729
Dr. Lars Hafner
Wednesday, March 26: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Open Forum, Pensacola campus, Hagler Auditorium, room 252
Wednesday, March 26: 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Interview by Board of Trustees, Board Room, Building 7
Thursday, March 27: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Open Forum, Milton campus, Building 4900, room 4902
Thursday, March 27: 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Open Forum, Warrington campus, Building 3900, room 3902
Special Board of Trustees Meeting: Noon Tuesday, April 8, Pensacola campus, Board Room
Negative: The college where Dr. Meadows is from is very small if this article is accurate.
A positive for Dr. Meadows is that he originally started in the classroom. We need a practical person that considers himself part of this team.
Another negative on Medows is that he is coming from the Alabama community college system - one in a shambles by just about any measure. While his college may not have been involved in the rampant nepotism and cronyism going on in Alabama (don't know he wasn't, don't know he was), he certainly hasn't had much in the way of positive role models to build his college administration from. Based on what I've heard and what I've read in our blogs, looks like the guy from Mississippi is probably our best bet - which may be why he is a finalist at Manatee Community College as well.
I attended the Open Forum for Dr. Martin yesterday. He talked like he was such a team player. Why have many of his key people left or are leaving?
Someone who works for him now said it would be a "disaster" if he becomes the president. I have heard too many negative things about his "style" of management and don't trust his smooth talk he had in the forum. His temper is too well known.
I would like to address the question of why some of Dr. Martin's key people are leaving, as the implication of the questioner, or at least my inference, is that they are leaving because of Dr. Martin. Assuming that I would be considered one of these key people who is leaving, I want to state categorically it has nothing to do with Dr. Martin's management style; I am leaving because I've been offered what I consider to be a wonderful opportunity that really is too good to pass up.
I can't speak to why any other key people are leaving, but Dr. Martin's management style has in no way figured into my decision.
Ken Shugart
Director, Academic Advising
Dr. Martin is a team player in his big team of one person.
Dr. M: "I should be president despite all of you people."
Hafner is visiting Manatee Community College just before he see us. He'll be there Monday and Tuesday next week.
Elliott will see us before he visits Manatee. He'll be there April 3rd and 4rth.
So it looks like we're doing good getting them here when we are. I hope that we're more enticing than Manatee.
Dr Martin did such a great promotion of himself during the open forum!! Wow! How many answers did he give to questions--real answers?? Be honest! And such a team player--every other sentence started with "we"--do we really need this guy?
Forums and the interview are at I cannot stand to listen to him myself. In the last podcast segment, he is asked about the way he deals with disagreements and how he works on a team. He said that he has only fired one person. Well he is not in a position to fire the PJC employees he disagrees with. They see how he acts. Are student services people going to disagree with him?
The Pensacola forum was left off of ecorsair. There may have been some technical problem, like audible faculty disgust. Perhaps the tape at the back of the room is o.k. to listen to. But then again, there were alot of people near that microphone as well.
My overall impression was that Dr. Martin definitely didn't give an presentation that inspire any type of confidence. You definitely don't feel motivated listening to him. His answers were unpresidential, and he rambled on and on very far away from answering the last question to avoid taking more questions about his obvious weaknesses, that he doesn't have desirable administrator qualities.
Before each candidate comes to campus, I am calling their colleges to get candid input from two faculty members. I can get input from more if you like. Or if I get some input that looks like additional input is required, I’ll call more. I called faculty members from Lurleen College. Here is their comments about Dr. Meadows.
One faculty member asked to not be identified. I am identifying neither on this blog, but will be glad to supply their names and info for individuals requesting them. I gave and will give no advance warning that I was and will be calling. They had no preparation time in the answering of questions.
Faculty members were asked
Faculty Member 1—How did you pick me? (Michelle: I picked you randomly.) Please do not give my name. I have been at two institutions. Dr. Meadows is more hands on that my previous president. He periodically visits our department. (Michelle: Do faculty members like to see him when he visits the department?) Yes they do. He is very personable. He has taken faculty to lunch. He is concerned about what I think about work as well as what is happening to me personally.
Faculty Member 2—We have seen such growth and direction that we were lacking since he came to the college. He really concentrates on students. He is not a micromanager. He puts faith in us that we will carry out our jobs. I have really enjoyed him as president. Before he came to us, we were very worried. Two colleges were joining together, and I was on the technical end. He said that we are all LBW. He pulls from all areas to work on projects. He is the “tops.”
Dr. Elliott (President Meridian Community College)
Faculty member 1—Overall Dr. Elliott is a wonderful administrator. He is approachable. I feel like I can go to his office if I have a concern and my concern would be dealt with. He will do what’s best for the college and not his self. He’s the best boss I have ever worked for. I wouldn’t trade him for anything. He is known for trying to make the college as accessible to students as possible. (Michelle: Are you happy with your pay?) Yeah, well, a, I am happy because it is better than the prior administration. He has done what he can do to increase our pay.
Faculty member 2—We enjoy him a lot. He is excellent. He is very encouraging. He’s supportive to the whole college, faculty and staff. He keeps us up to date with going on. (Michelle: I am a member of the faculty association here. Sometimes we have problems or issues we deal with. Have you had any issues or problems you’d like to mention?) No mam, I haven’t had any problems.
During the Pensacola campus's open forum, Dr. Martin repeatedly mentioned how much he loved PJC and the Pensacola area. If that is truly the case, why has he submitted applications to other colleges? He either loves PJC or he just wants to be the president of a college. I'm thinking it's the latter.
Regarding Dr. Martin's performance at the Pensacola forum, scare tactics don't work and forcing the "we" pronoun down our throats won't work either. His actions show whether he truly believes "we" are in this together. And from what I've seen and heard, we are all in this together only as long as we all do what HE wants. Lip service to employees about a job well done doesn't work either. Sincerity works.
Lars Hafner
Provost of St Peterburg College St. Petersburg/Gibb Campus
Faculty Member 1—Dr. Hafner is a new provost. He has been provost here for his first full year replacing a very popular long term provost He has a family and understands the importance of family. He is a bit more modern than the former provost, more electronic savvy. He is more organized. He has a lot of things on his plate. In conversations with him, that comes across. He doesn’t hide it well. That is a weakness. He has been at the college forever. One of his jobs was an administrative job where he worked with universities. So he may have more than normal university relationships. He is well liked, but he must deal with “You are not Charlie Roberts from time to time.” But that is not a weakness. He holds normal meetings. He knows that we are busy and I appreciate that. He has handled some unusual situations well. About the time of the shootings we had a student threaten a professor over a grade. He tightened security.
Faculty Member 2—Dr. Hafner has a vision and he is always working towards that vision. That may be a weakness for him. He may have blinders on that prevent him from considering other alternatives. He is not content with the way things are. He is always looking to better things. He looks at efficiency and cost savings in a good way. He is very personable. He’s a very nice guy. He makes efforts to know people. I think he sometimes has questionable ethics though. (Michelle: If you had an opening for the presidency of your college, would you recommend him for it?) No. I’d have to say that I wouldn’t.
At Dr. Elliot's Pensacola campus forum, I will read Dr. Elliot's faculty comments. For Dr. Hafner, I don't think it's necessary to read his faculty comments aloud.
I talked with three Board of Trustee members yesterday. They said that they have read the sheets you turned in at the end of the forums. The information you have provided has been very helpful. I'll send the faculty input I gathered for Meadows, Elliott, and Hafner to each BOT member.
I have major concerns regarding Dr. Meadows after attending the forum Wednesday. Dr. Meadows stated that the student newspaper should be a place to report only good news about events at the college, that dissension should be put "someplace else." When asked about adjunct pay, he said that recognition was more important than salary. (I assume he'll say the same thing regarding full-time faculty pay.) And he called the Collective Bargaining Agreement a nice "booklet" that showed faculty members what was expected of them. Frightening man.
I may be wrong, but I think that we actually aren't afraid that he or another person would start telling students to publish in the Corsair.
Some of our own faculty members might not know what that nice CBA is. As he said, it's a document that makes everything clear for employees. They have different terminology and procedures at different places.
I have a different assessment, but I'll share next week after Dr. Elliot's visit.
Dr. Meadows--what a breeze of fresh air! He was not afraid to give a few answers that did not please everyone. Yet he never overused one word (the "we" word). He has also had some experiences with some difficult times. Which PJC is going to face shortly.
Does anyone really think the president (including current one) has much to do or say about the student paper? Not on the radar in bldg 7!
I didn't find Dr. Meadows frightening at all. I don't think he has had experience with such a complete (and good) CBA as we have. He admitted that he didn't know our faculty "culture" but I think he would be very "teachable" and not bring any preconcieved ideas.
His experience with student newspapers sounded like he hasn't worked with one as comprehensive as ours is and it didn't sound to me like he would censor negative things.
I really like his tone, ease of presentation, and frankness when he felt he didn't have enough information to answer a question. He certainly came across much better than Dr. Martin (and didn't have to use up 35 - 45 minutes telling us how great he is.)
All of the comments I have heard from people who have worked with him have been positive. I sure can't say the same for Dr. Martin.
I've read with interest the comments about Dr. Martin and must disagree with some of them.
His use (not overuse) of the term "we" is indicative of his desire to pull the College together as a team .. something that should be painfully apparent to all of us as we enter into the dismal budget years ahead.
Has he "fired" people? I think not. Yes, there have been professional staff members for whom he has chosen not to renew contracts, and, quite frankly, those few needed to go.
Dr. Martin is a change agent. The changes he has made in Student Affairs are good ones, and his staff is quite happy with the changes he has made.
His belief that administrators should not receive the same pay increases as faculty is a genuine belief of his. For those of us who have been at the institution for many years, we know that we are top heavy administratively. Good on Dr. Martin for addressing that honestly in the open forum. He knows that the instructional faculty are core to the mission of this institution, and he is ready to reward and support the faculty. He has strong opinions about the ratio of adjunct to full-time faculty, and while PJC is in compliance with SACS standards regarding that ratio, he strongly believes that our reliance on adjuncts has become too much. We have super adjuncts at this institution who should be rewarded for their dedication to the College by being offered the full-time jobs that they actually hold (without the accompanying benefits). Are there really faculty members who disagree that they should receive more pay? Are there super-adjuncts that are not interested in a full-time teaching position?
PJC is the only community college in Florida with a vice president position similar to that currently occupied by Dr. Brigham. When Dr. Brigham retires, Dr. Martin's presidential plan would not include a replacement for that position. That, to me, is a wise and fiscally responsible decision. Do we not all agree that a savings in the six figures is not something to be considered?
The mere fact that Dr. Martin is openly considering dropping the "junior" from our name speaks volumes of his intent to move us forward. Many years ago, the College hired a consultant to review the College's goals and plans and recommend a strategy that would make us a competitive educational institution in our area. The removal of "junior" was the first item on the consultant's list. That recommendation as well as many more were completely ignored by the College. With so many community colleges taking advantage of the opportunity to offer four-year degrees, why are we not? I believe that we are ready to be Pensacola College ... THE college of Pensacola.
Dr. Martin has been here since 2003, and I have yet to see much positive he has done--other than apply for every president vacancy around (yea, he loves PJC). Here is what I have seen and heard about Jim Martin's management:
*he has extremely angry outbursts when he does not get his way (seen this at least 3 times). A man of his age should not ever show a temper.
*Public ridiculing those who disagree with him, ask around, others know this.
*Takes credit for others successes and giving no credit to others for work.
*Petty tyranny when angered against those convenient, innocent, helpless who happen to be around him. He 'gets back' at others if they do not support him.
*Belittling subordinates in public
*Has a dominate, controlling leadership style.
*High turnover in staff, moving people around for no reason--other than he does not like their looks!
Do we really need this guy as our president when he has applied to all these other colleges and no one has hired him? Doesn't this tell us something about his character?
Should he be able to learn who is saying these things, I am GONE!! But its all true.
I want to give all you people hugs. Hug, hug, hug. I am going to take my magic wand and make all the ouchies go away.
Some of you need to do more investigation as well. Not only is Martin a problem, but my sources at St. Pete tell me Hafner makes Martin look like a cream puff. His only real claim to fame is having served in the Florida House with one of the movers and shakers in our community - I suspect how he even got to the finalist stage at all. The folks on his campus either don't like him or have never seen or hreard of him either. Call your friends and ask like I did.
The feedback isn't good on Hafner. But his feedback couldn't be worse than Dr. Martin's. There were things left off of Dr. Martin's itemized list above. An actually we don't need any gradations of industrial strength bad as the college president or any other administrator here at PJC.
When I found out Dr. Hafner had applied to be our President, I contacted someone I know at SPC. The comments I received about Hafner has been posted on the blog since the beginning of December. Below is the comment that was posted:
I asked someone from SPC about Dr. Hafner and they said they would not recommend him for any job that is not completely about grinning and gripping (public relations). He has only been a provost since June and really has no administrative experience. His strong suit is his political career. He was a Florida legislator for something like eight to ten years and is very well connected. They personally do not like him because his shady handling of budgeting stuff. SPC is trying to unload him on any school that will take him. Dr. Hafner also has applications out to three or four other community colleges in Florida.
I noticed just now that a lot of people from Gulf Coast Community College wrote references for John Holdnak here on the blog. To be looked at, the reference letters should have been written the board of trustees. Or they could have been addressed to PJC to be included in his application file (I would have called human resources to see that I was addressing it properly.) Maybe only a couple of board of trustee members look at the blog. And when it comes down to giving credit, the blog is not very formal. Thanks for giving him the recommendations.
Dr. Elliot had excellent interpersonal communications skills. He has performed the job as a college president. He showed integrity and straight-forwardness in his answers. He recognized the importance and value of all college stakeholders. He acknowledged the importance of treating others as he wishes to be treated himself. He is security-oriented and is well thought of by MCC's police chief. He is currently looking at innovative ways to increase the ability to reach faculty, staff, and students in time of crisis.
Dr. Meadows was neither a dynamic speaker nor did he present with good interpersonal communications skills. I don't believe he has the ability to "sell" the college when dealing with legislators or donors.
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