Thursday, February 28, 2008


At today's meeting, the Presidential Screening Committee voted to send eight candidates forward for the PJC Board of Trustees' consideration. The finalists are:

Dr. Scott Elliott, currently serving as President, Meridian (MS) Community College.

Dr. Algie Gatewood, currently serving as President, Cascade Campus, Portland (WA) Community College.

Dr. Donetta Goodall, currently serving as Vice President for Academic Transfer and General & Developmental Education, Austin (TX) Community College.

Dr. Lars Hafner, currently serving as Provost (Campus President), St. Petersburg (FL) College.

Dr. John Holdnak, currently serving as Vice President of Administrative Services, Gulf Coast (FL) Community College.

Dr. James Martin, currently serving as Vice President, Student Affairs, Pensacola Junior College.

Dr. Ed Meadows, currently serving as President, Lurleen B. Wallace (AL) Community College.

Dr. C.B. "Bix" Rathburn, currently serving as President, Savannah (GA) Technical College.

During the next two weeks, the PJC Board of Trustees will be reviewing the candidates' applications and making the decision as to which of these candidates will be brought to the College for interviews.

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! There is no guarantee that all eight of the candidates will be granted interviews. If there is someone you feel strongly about, let the Board know. While I will make individual entries on the blog for your posts, a phone call, letter or email to a Trustee lets them know in a personal way of your endorsements or concerns. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Scott Elliott
Dr. Donetta Goodall
Dr. Lars Hafner
Dr. John Holdnak--Finance person
Dr. Ed Meadows

I would like for the above five people to have interviews.

Having good candidates on the slate, I don't feel the need to see Rathburn. Would it be in poor taste for us to ask him if he would use PJC's account as his personal checkbook?

It wouldn't cost us anything to interview Dr. Martin, but I don't think we need to give him a courtesy interview.

Algie--with his resume, he might have quite a persona. He might be quite a people person. But Algie, you are a long way from home. And you need more experience in a college setting. I'd like to focus on people that are actually good candidates. Please pass on Algie.

Anonymous said...

Would it not be a great thing to have a president with actual student contact in their experience???

Anonymous said...

Can you post contact information on each of the trustees, so we can let them know what we think? It is critical they take our concerns and perspectives into consideration. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Would it not be a great thing to have a president with actual student contact in their experience???

Which of them doesn't have in depth student contact experience?
If you read the bios of these people, you'll see that most have classroom experience. They haven't just said hello, nice to meet you. They are impressive.

We want a good person we can be proud of to represent the college and the community. We don't want someone to embarass.

Anonymous said...

Martin and Hafner are finalists for new prez at Florida Keys CC. Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes, Jimbo!

Anonymous said...

Hafner is also a finalist at Manatee CC!! Announced yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Win win situation for Hockaday. He collects consulting fees from the Community Colleges and provides the same names to all of them!

Anonymous said...

Anyone go to board meeting early on Friday? Any report?

Anonymous said...

Win win situation for Hockaday. He collects consulting fees from the Community Colleges and provides the same names to all of them!

Yes, he reads the applicants at another college and whether they are good or not he suggests that if they have not already applied here to apply here.

So he really doesn't do background checks. He just spends a few days reading college folders.

So we'll be scratching Lars Hafner off our list shortly eh. That's o.k.

Anonymous said...

12/2006 info. Unless there is some sort of date error, the Florida Keys Community College is taking a while to find their president. Did they narrow it down to someone who already took another job? If we lose the good applicants, I think we should extend our search. Using Hockaday of another recruiter would obviously not be desireable.

Following are the final 12 applicants to be the next president of Florida Keys Community College, culled from an initial 60 applicants by headhunting firm Hockaday-Hunter and Associates, then the college presidential search committee.

Jeffery Allbritten, president, Edison College, Collier County campus (Naples). Field of expertise: Mathematics and chemistry. Years in education: 18.

George Atkins, vice president for academic and student affairs, Surrey Community College, Dobson, N.C. Field of expertise: Mathematics. Years in education: 20.

Rodger Bates, special assistant to the vice provost for university outreach, Mexico State University at Alamogordo, N.M. Field of expertise: Sociology. Years in education: 30.

Carol Copenhaver, senior vice president for educational and student services, St. Petersburg College. Field of expertise: Management. Years in education: 33.

Debra Daniels, vice president for academics and student services, Polk Community College, Winter Haven. Field of expertise: Health education. Years in education: 28.

Lars Hafner, senior administrative manager and associate vice president in charge of the University Partnership Center, government relations, athletics, St. Petersburg College. Field of expertise: Communications and political science. Years in education: 21.

Jill Landesberg-Boyle, vice president for student affairs at the Pennsylvania College of Tech-nology, Williamsport, Pa. Field of expertise: Organizational development. Years in education: 19.

James Martin, vice president for student affairs at Pensacola Junior College. Field of expertise: Student affairs. Years in education: 30.

Charles Perkins, on sabbatical as provost and executive vice president, Alvernia College, Reading, Pa. Field of expertise: Business. Years in field: 18.

Jeremiah Ryan, president, chief executive officer, Raritan Valley Community College, Somerville, N.J. Field of expertise: Education administration. Years in education: 34.

David Schejbal, associate vice chancellor and director of continuing education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Ill. Field of expertise: Philosophy. Years in education: 19.

Kerry Youngblood, vice president of community college affairs, Mesa State College, Fruita, Colo. Field of expertise: Technical education. Years in education: 28.

Anonymous said...

According to an on-line article Jill Landesberg-Boyle is the new President there.

Anonymous said...

I have it from a reliable source that faculty at Meridian Community College do not know that Dr. Elliott has applied. One faculty member said that it would be a loss for them and a gain for us. He came to Meridian without a set agenda and eased in without making sweeping changes. He will face many challenges if he becomes our next president but sounds like a good guy.

Anonymous said...

I have it from a reliable source that faculty at Meridian Community College do not know that Dr. Elliott has applied. One faculty member said that it would be a loss for them and a gain for us. He came to Meridian without a set agenda and eased in without making sweeping changes. He will face many challenges if he becomes our next president but sounds like a good guy
That's good to know. I look forward to seeing him and the other good candidates. (Excitement is building.)

Anonymous said...

Hafner and Elliott are finalists at Manatee Community College in Sarasota.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know about Halfner and Elliot.

Some people might be south Florida types. They might find that location more desirable than Pensacola; and would only take our location as a stepping stone to the south.

A lot of people do prefer northern Florida though. I am not sure what stage the other searches are at. Hopefully they are near our stage.

Anonymous said...

Someone raised the issue of the corruption scandal in Alabama. I can assure you that Dr. Meadows is not, and will not, be implicated in it. I personally know many of the individuals who have been indicted, convicted, and called to testify in Federal Court related to that situation. Dr. Meadows is not one of those people. He is a highly ethical person. If you are interested in the scandal, go to the Birmingham News website and check the articles written by my friend, Brett Blackledge, who won the Pulitzer Prize last year for his investigative reporting. You will not find Ed Meadows' name mentioned in the articles.

Anonymous said...

Hockaday-Hunter and Associates did a job when they culled out Landesberg-Boyle for FKCC. Man!