From a concerned faculty member:
...I had asked if someone would compile a list of questions for the presidential candidates. Perhaps they could be submitted via the blog.....So here is my question:
A long time ago, the cafeteria had a hot-food lunch: two lines for the students, and one line for faculty and staff. We had our own dining room. Being a new teacher and eating lunch with my newfound colleagues, made a profound influence on me as a beginning teacher that PJC was a We-are-in-this-together” type of institution.
Well, the bean counters discovered that the food lines “lost money” and so, did away with them. Clearly, the people involved in this decision, just didn’t get it. It was about this time that the College turned into an Us-and-Them institution and has operated this way for far too long.
So my question to all the presidential candidates is “Do you get it? Do you know how to turn PJC back into a We-are-in-this-together institution?”
It's new administrators not from the community who have that attitude. Only people who can advance them to a "choice" position matter to these people. From their localities or backgrounds, they are of the belief that faculty doesn't have a role in advancing administrators. Of course they know the buzz things to say around board members: "Our faculty is great." "We wouldn't be as great as we are if it weren't for the faculty."
The board isn't around most of the time. They don't know that the new administrators would like to refer to us as "YOU PEOPLE."
Unfortunately the most talented and hard working administrators are retiring and not applying for the new openings.
As the new President of PJC will you not only promote academic excellence, but also support an athletic department that will attract top athletes and become a larger part of college life here at PJC?
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