Monday, October 1, 2007

Faculty Help to Win Battle on Budget Cuts

FROM: Tom Auxter, UFF President

The Florida House and Senate proposed budget cuts of 2.3% for universities and 1.8% for community colleges -- after an intense faculty grassroots effort to contact all legislators through district offices.

Legislators rejected the Governor's initial recommendation of a 6.2% cut for universities and a 4.5% cut for community colleges. A conference committee still must iron out relatively small differences in proposed expenditures. A report on the numbers from Kevin Watson at Florida Education Association follows.

The Governor can still change the outcome for universities by vetoing the 5% tuition increase. Governor Crist can be contacted at:

----------------Original Message--------------------------

From: Kevin Watson, FEA Dept. of Public Policy Advocacy
Subject: Legislative Update - A little Budget cutting and a lot of funding shifts

The House and Senate fiscal committees met Thursday to review very similar proposals for potential cuts or adjustment to the 07-08 budget. No district runs or line item budget are available. Nothing in this report should be considered final. Special session begins next week and more will be known at that time.

Community Colleges
The Community Colleges Program Fund faces a net reduction to state funds of $18.4M (1.8%. this includes a 3.3% reduction to recurring GR but is offset by providing $11.4M recurring tuition revenue generated by a 5% spring tuition increase. An additional $11.4M nonrecurring GR retires the fall tuition veto.

State Universities
State Universities face an operating budget net reduction to state funds of $58.8M (2.3%). This includes a 3.9% reduction to recurring GR. But the reductions are offset by providing $9.5M recurring tuition revenue generated by a 5% spring tuition increase and $9.5M nonrecurring revenue to restore the fall tuition veto.

This policy is similar for both community colleges and universities. The tuition increase proposals in both chambers would restore the increase for the spring semester and use other state money to reimburse the schools for a fall semester shortfall - $9.5 million for the universities and $11.4 million for the community colleges - that resulted from the veto.

United Faculty of Florida

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