Friday, September 28, 2007


While the turnout from the Screening Committee members and PJC administrators was good, there were not many community members in attendance. Ms. Celeste Norris, BOT member, conducted the session. Again, the answers to questions are my paraphrasing of the answers given by either Ms. Norris, Dr. Brigham or other PJC staff.

Here are the comments and questions from this session:

Has PJC chosen a professional search committee? Not at this time. PJC is currently going forward using in-house staff to conduct the search, but the BOT has retained the right to hire a professional search committee to assist in the process if needed.

What kind of response/inquiries have been from candidates? To date there are 5 letters of inquiry on file. Official advertising of the position will begin October 12th in national, regional and local publications. There is a link about the Presidential search on the PJC homepage.


  • the #2 qualification (commitment to diversity) is very important. Appreciated the way in which Dr. Delaino reached out to the Black media. Would like to see more collaboration with WSRE and the Black media.
  • the issue of morale must be addressed. New president must recognize the importance of people. He/She will not manage a college, but will manage people. It is important that the new president be a part of the college. There is a division between Bldg. 7 (Administration) and the rest of the college. Visit the classrooms, walk the halls of the buildings, be a part of the college.
  • Another member of the audience agreed that the issue of morale was important.

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