FIUSM-17 hours ago
As a professor in the realm of the humanities, she said that “there isn’t a lot of agreement about what areas of content should be covered and how we would define the skills that students would have to have to demonstrate the mastery of a course’s learning objectives.” “It’s also hard to test for general skills that we might all agree to, such as critical thinking,” Shrage said. “So, designing tests that allow students to earn college credit for a course will mean that we need to make similar courses across institutions more uniform.”
Tom Auxter, the president of United Faculty of Florida, warned the Inside Higher Ed of a “cheap and dirty” online education. “Online education can be done well or poorly, like anything else,” Shrage said. “ Like Auxter, I worry that educators will not be given the resources to produce high quality online courses, where students are able to interact with subject experts and their peers, and where students get a reasonable amount of individual attention.”