Wednesday, May 28, 2008


From the May 29 issue of the Green & White...

Florida Campus Compact announces five award opportunities recognizing outstanding service and engaged scholarship in Florida:
Engaged Campus Award,
Community Engagement Educator Award,
Service-Learning Faculty Award,
Service-Learning Research Award and the
Graham-Frey Civic Award.

To apply, go to

The deadline for all completed applications is July 21.

Applicants can apply in more than one award category. Self-nominations are strongly encouraged, and you can nominate individuals for awards.

The second annual Florida Campus Compact Awards Gala &
Dinner is Nov. 18 in Orlando at Universal’s DoubleTree Hotel.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Join the 4,500 Florida faculty and education professionals in the United Faculty of Florida.


If you join right now, you can enjoy the benefits of membership for up to three months for free. Your payroll dues will start being collected in August.

Those who join the United Faculty of Florida this summer will:
• Make our faculty voice stronger
• Strengthen our voice in negotiations with administration
• Immediately be covered for $1,000,000 in professional liability insurance
• Have access to local representation on issues with the administration and board of trustees
• Add your voice to the national and state movement working for the interests of academic professionals
• Receive local, state and national publications on higher education issues.

Become a member now and enjoy the many benefits of membership in the United Faculty of Florida, the Florida Education Association, the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO. Our campus works because we do.

Membership Form United Faculty of Florida

UFF dues are 1% of salary, taken out each pay period your paycheck.
Please Print Complete Information.

_______________________________________ Social Security Number

Last Name First Name MI

Home Street Address City State Zip Code

Campus Building, Room
Office Phone ___________________________

Home Phone ___________________________

E-mail address -- Personal/Home ____________________________________________
E-mail address -- Office ___________________________________________________
Please enroll me as a member of the United Faculty of Florida (FEA, NEA-AFT, AFL-CIO). I hereby authorize my employer to begin payroll deduction of United Faculty of Florida dues (1% of salary). This deduction authorization shall continue until revoked by me at any time upon 30 days written notice to the payroll office and to UFF.

Signature (for payroll deduction authorization)

Today’s Date

Give this form to Kathleen Shelton-Lowe in Secondary Education, Charlotte Sweeney in the Library, fax it to UFF at 850-222-1767 or mail to:
UFF, 306 East Park Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32301

** Your membership benefits will begin upon joining. Payroll deductions or direct pay to UFF will not begin until fall semester.


1. Does FEA Legal honor 3 for free members? YES

2. AFT member benefits/Liability insurance? YES